Alex Batten Counselling & Psychotherapy

Purpose of Therapy


The purpose of therapy is to provide a respectful environment where your thoughts and feelings can be explored safely. Therapy provides a confidential space and an opportunity to acknowledge, accept and resolve difficulties at your own pace. Without judgement, therapy effects change, however small or large that may be, to enhance your wellbeing and relationships. I am an 'integrative' psychotherapist which means I draw on, and blend, different techniques and models of psychotherapy such as humanistic, person centred and our unconscious process. My primary focus is you, to effectively listen to your experiences with positive regard, empathy and compassion and without judgement.


I offer counselling / psychotherapy to individuals aged 18 + on a time limited, or open-ended basis, with the aim of enhancing life and to live life more fully. To familiarise yourself further about the benefits, or understanding of therapy, visit the BACP and NHS websites.

Face to Face Therapy


I offer face-to-face Counselling and Psychotherapy from my therapy room in Carterton, West Oxfordshire. I follow UK Government, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and BACP guidelines in relation to COVID - 19 to ensure both our safety and wellbeing.

online Therapy


Online therapy is available to meet modern day needs, making it easier to access support, and to accommodate the UK Government advice on Corona Virus social distancing protocols should face-to-face sessions be temporarily suspended. Zoom or Teams calls will be made / conducted from my private and confidential working space.

Before and after Therapy considerations:


  • Allow yourself time before the session to arrive, settle and test the connection. Afterwards take time to prepare yourself for work or life

  • Ensure you have good connectivity and test your software prior to undertaking online sessions 

  • Accept Zoom or Teams therapy invitations, if safe to do so, to enable reminders (be mindful should you share your calendar) 

  • When deciding which delivery of therapy is suitable to you, consideration of having access to a safe, quiet, and secure environment, where you will not be disturbed, will ensure your privacy and confidentially